(Exhibition: "Nutzlose Natur" ("futile nature"))
During the WCW-Gallery summer festival we have the opportunity to present our new exhibition space: WCW-Garden.
Laid in the courtyard of the WCW-Gallery, WCW-Garden will be a perfect addition to the gallery rooms. The concept and design
of the garden was done by artists Anna Giers, Christiane Schuller, Olaf Dreyer and Ingo Müller with the intention to maintain the
local conditions. The title of their work is "Nutzlose Natur" ("futile nature") which will be shown untill September, 15th.
Surrounded by petit bourgeois aesthetics, WCW-Garden promises to become an interesting field of social and
aesthetic experiments and contradictions.
WCW-Garden will represent a separate exhibition space with its own curators
running their exhibition practise simultaneously with the WCW-Gallery.
The gallery will invite artists to act as curators for WCW-Garden.

The artists website:
GartenkunstNetz e.V.

August, 8th and 9th.
17h and 21h